Have you ever wondered where the timber waste from your home or office or even industries goes? You must have discarded many articles of timber from your home; even your workplace must have thrown away many timber articles. Do these articles just get exhumed in an incinerator or do they dispose of to landfills? Well, these two options are always available, but the world is fast moving towards recycling of timber. Recycling has become an integral part of timber waste disposal. This process helps make a variety of usable wooden products. This has become even more important in the modern times as the world is realizing the shortage of wood and ill effects of deforestation.
Benefits of timber recycling
There are various benefits of timber recycling, which has made it a crucial part of timber waste disposal.
Timber recycling is seen as an environmentally-friendly practice and the eco-conscious people support it.
Adoption of recycled timber reduces pressure on forests as it reduces deforestation. The environmentally-conscious people show a huge demand for green timber, which is basically recycled timber.
Greenpeace has also advocated timber recycling as a great way of timber waste disposal and has mentioned it as the most preferable source of timber.
One ton of recycled wood can help save 18 million BTUs of energy.
Disadvantages of timber recycling
Though people love to have green timber at their home and office, there are a few shortfalls regarding it.
Before the green timber can be used, the ends of the wall studs have to be trimmed off in order to stop cracking and decaying. This reduces the size of wood that can be utilized.
Trimming off the wooden blocks can also lead to structures that are not in compliance with the building codes.
The cost of pulling out nails, selecting the good pieces of salvaged wood and refinishing them is quite a tedious process, which may not make it the best method of timber waste disposal.
The trade of green timber is not well established, which may make it difficult to get the usable pieces of recycled timber for construction and interior décor. The shortage of traders on green timber can lead to high material costs if demand exceeds supply.
Often, working with new fresh wood turns out to be quicker and cheaper than going with recycled wood. The shortage of takers of green timber can reduce the sheen over this method of timber waste disposal. Many builders find it easier to work on new wood and therefore, may charge more if we force them to use green timber.
Sources of green timber
The green timber usually comes from places like bridges, old wharves and buildings. The wood has to be carefully stripped off. Moreover, any dimension stone that can be used has to be set aside for reuse. The demolishers sell the salvaged wood to merchants and dealers, who re-mill the pieces through manual scanning using metal detectors. This helps in detecting nails and removes them later for reusing the wood.
Uses of green timber
The use of green timber as a method of timber waste disposal has been in operation since 1948. The Glom Transmitter, which was a 100-meter tower, near Potsdam in Germany was made of recycled timber. It lasted for 31 years. Even Koblenz radio transmitter used wood from another dismantled tower. So, green timber has seen applications even in the past too. However, the eco-conscious people have started using it extensively and therefore; it has become a fashion segment now.
If you want to spruce up your home and want to give it a natural rustic touch, try getting items made of green wood. You will be doing a favor to the environment and justice to your home décor.