Cooking oil impacts the flavour of the food and most of the food is cooked using oil. Good oil also impacts the health quotient of the food, so you must always choose the best quality oil. Italian extra virgin olive oil is very popular. What makes them so good and popular? We will explore some important features of extra virgin olive oil. Olive oil is extracted from the olive fruit. It is considered to be rich in anti-oxidant and vitamin E. Olive oil is a storehouse of nutrients, so if you are looking for the best oil for cooking, consider adding this healthy olive oil to your shelf.
Extra virgin olive oil: overview
Extra virgin olive oil or EVOO is the best choice for cooking due to its key benefits. It is the highest quality oil used for cooking. Usually, the cold-pressed method is used to extract the Italian extra virgin olive oil, which ensures that you get the highest purity of olive oil. Usually, the extra virgin olive oil is from Italy, and in Europe, it is termed as Extra Virgin Olive Oil, and in Spanish olive oils of this category are known as "Virgin Extra". Most of us think that extra virgin olive oil is usually associated with salads and dressings, but these are also used for pan-frying meats, sautéing vegetables and also in some sauces.
Place of origin
If you are planning to buy extra virgin olive oil, you must also acquaint yourself with the place of order. It eventually impacts the taste and flavour of olive oil. Sicily, Liguria, Puglia, Umbria, and Tuscany make the best quality olive oil.
Sicily: Some people also use the Italian extra virgin olive oil for baking as well because it is spicy. You will find a lot more paper and less finish in the olive oil from Sicily.
Liguria: This has a buttery flavour. It is soft and subtle, and you enjoy subtle nut flavour.
Puglia: Olive oil from Puglia is greener in colour, and you enjoy a balanced flavour.
Umbria: You will find three different blends in this oil. It is one of the top 5 regions of Italy producing the best quality Italian extra virgin olive oil.
Tuscany: It has a peppery flavour. The initial taste of this oil is fresh and in the end, you can taste the nutty Mediterranean flavour.
D.O.P. label
You must also check the DOP label when buying olive oil. It means Denomination di Origin Protetta. Italian extra virgin olive oil is a kind of certification that guarantees that the extra virgin oil is of the best quality. These are a good preservative- Similar to vinegar, and you can also use olive oil as a preservative. You can also use it for storing garlic, fish and beans.
Olive oil can (and should) be used in dessert
To make your dessert healthier, you can switch to olive oil. These are used for baking bread. At the same time, many people are still sceptical about the use of olive oil. But you will get the good option in olive oil, and it makes your desserts even more scrumptious.
These are important pointers about olive oil and its key aspects associated with it. Healthier cooking plays an important role in enhancing your health quotes, and switching to Italian extra virgin olive oil will be a good choice. The best part about olive oil is that you can use it in salads, cooking, sautéing and even baking. So, extra virgin oil becomes the best choice for those looking for a healthier option for cooking.