Now a day’s more and taller rise buildings are appearing all over the world, and managing and cleaning the tall rise building are becoming more and more critical. The high rise building maintenance includes exterior wall cleaning, high-rise exterior wall paint, curtain wall cleaning, high rise window cleaning, concrete repairs, aerial advertising installation, and sealing, etc.
According to the characteristics of the high rise buildings, the main types of equipment are used in the exterior wall cleaning are below:
Swing stage or temporarily suspended platform.
Bosun’s chair
Building maintenance unit which is also known as BMU
Different types of maintenance and cleaning methods for high rise buildings:
Building maintenance unit or BMU is the specialized equipment which is used for the exterior wall cleaning in the high rise building maintenance. The primary usage of BMU is to clean the outer walls of the tall rise buildings which change the traditional work into the electronic action, high-quality mechanical operation and the efficient work. It is the power exterior wall cleaning robot of the latest version. In China, few high-grade constructions which were built in 1980-1990 were designed by the architects, and they have considered installing the BMU to maintain the building. These techniques have made a good foundation for high rise building maintenance.
Due to the flexibility of the Bosun’s chair, it has been accepted and adopted in the world of high rise building maintenance. It often brings accident, and because of the risk in the operations, the bosun’s chair has been more and more replaced by the suspended work platform.
How would you clean and maintain the high rise buildings?
Check out the working site and assure the plan. Check out the roof and guarantee that it might it installed suspended work and verify the movement has no problems like billboard and neon lights.
To assure the construction environment without any snow, high and low-temperature phenomena and wind, and the wind in the construction site should be less than the 6 levels.
You must prepare the cleaning tools like gun, bucket, sucker and the towels, etc.
At least two workers should carry the cleaning tools and get into the platform cradle and will also fasten the safety belts.
Safety Measures Before the Operation
Check each part in the platform of the suspended work if it fittings, for the exam, fasteners, hoister, and the safety protection devices are in excellent condition, and you must confirm that there is no hidden danger before work.
It is advisable to check the length of the rope and check whether there is any damage or any broken stocks in it. Always choose the ladders which are designed with safety locks.
Check if the dresses of the staffs are meeting the following requirements like wearing long-sleeved work jacket, wearing a helmet and full pants. Apart from that, the labors must wear the shoes with the soft bottom which also features the corrosion resistant.
Check if the junction between the building parapet and the safety ropes has the liners. If you don’t find any, then you must stop working immediately.
It is advisable to set up the fence in the operation area and arrange the ground safety officer to prevent the pedestrians. If no protecting wall or the security officer is there then you must stop the work immediately.
These are the few steps of the high rise building maintenance which you must follow while maintaining the high rise buildings. You must take care of all the things which are mentioned above. Now it’s upon you which method you are going to choose for the high rise building maintenance.