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Tips and Information about Dyslexia Test & Treatment

Writer's picture: Oliva WilsonOliva Wilson

Dyslexia is a common reading and spelling disorder which is found approximately in 5% of the child population. Children diagnosed with dyslexia tend to suffer from severe challenge in reading and learning. Since getting sufficient support and help in normal schools are not possible this kind of disorder leads to critical impairment in learning.  In particular, dyslexia test & treatment – for child not only needs medical treatment but complete methodological guidance to improve their learning and reading skills through advanced processes. Moreover, it is up to the parent to detect by some definite traits and consistent difficulties of the child in reading or spelling. Many a time, parents tend to neglect or overlook such issues, considering them to be child’s naughtiness. However, your concern and alertness can help your child to overcome the difficulties in dyslexia at an early stage.

Therapies for Dyslexia Treatment

There are professionals who are skilled and dexterous in handling the children with dyslexia with proficient care, support and attention. A lot of patience is required to handle kids with this disorder. There are various proven and successful therapies which are used by professionals in helping these challenged kids to overcome their difficulties in learning. Since normal learning procedures followed in the school are not much effective or helpful for these kids, exclusive and specially designed learning programs are managed for them. In dyslexia the main issue emerges with phonological difficulty, the problem to follow sounds and which again disturbs the reading skills.

  1. One of the common therapies used in this disorder is phonics related where professionals help kids to associate letters with their respective sounds, breaking words into sounds and thereby helping them to relate with letters and sounds. This therapy is termed as decoding.

  2. Rhyming again is yet another therapy taken up by many specialists.

  3. Speech language pathologist also offer distinguished phonics improvement sessions for kids with dyslexia.


Professionals refer to various kinds of elaborate tests to address dyslexia. These tests focus on the exclusive power of learning and test the ability of a kid to understand, respond, read, and spell etc in order to detect the intensity of the disorder.

The Screening Test

Particularly in this type of test, kids are divided into groups and given definite tasks, activities and exercises to perform. They are constantly monitored by experts. Through these tests it becomes easier for experts to filter which kids amongst the mass have normal developmental traits and who have symptoms of dyslexia. This type of tests helps a specialist to readily detect the kids who are lagging in normal activities and failing to follow instructions, facing difficulties in exercises etc.

Comprehensive Dyslexia Test

According to researchers and specialists this test is considered to be a superior holistic frame of analyzing kids with dyslexia. This test offers comprehensive study of a kid’s development in varied respects and helps to detect the strengths and weaknesses resulting to collection of complete details. This test in itself includes a series of test through which all aspects of a kid’s development is tracked, supervised, assessed and accordingly monitored later throughout the treatment procedure.

  1. Reading test

  2. Scanning test

  3. Reversal test

  4. Visual test

  5. Visual scanning test

  6. Intelligence test

  7. Laterality test

  8. Sequencing test

These kinds of tests are often conducted by a psychologist. However, it is not always essential that these tests must be conducted under clinical monitoring, it can also be conducted in the school. However, as a parent you must know that these tests need to be supervised by a licensed psychiatrist only.

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