Asbestos poses a serious health hazard which is why it is important that you check to see if your building contains any asbestos in it. If the building is more than thirty years old then chances are high that it does contain asbestos in one form or another. In such case, you can get in touch with the experts in order to find out if you and your family are at risk from asbestos exposure and take the corrective measures as required. Asbestos inhalation can cause scarring and inflammation which can lead to serious health issues such as lung cancer. This is why it is important you seek the professional help to help you with asbestos removal and disposal. If you are planning to handle all the asbestos removal and disposal on your own, then you may want to check out the following tips.
Use Safety Equipment:
Asbestos can crumble under the right pressure so the risk of inhaling asbestos is actually high when you are attempting to remove the same from your residential property. This is why you should never attempt to remove asbestos on your own and if you do you should dispose off without wearing the right safety equipment. For example, you would need a high-grade air filter mask; make sure that the mask comes with two straps so that it can be secured into place and does not run the risk of slipping out of place. And make sure that the mask you purchase can provide you the required protection against asbestos inhalation.
Keep Your Mouth Closed at All Times:
While removing asbestos, it is advisable that you keep your mouth closed. Avoid eating when in the zone or for that matter, drinking or smoking as all of this involves in you opening your mouth and as a result, you may end up inhaling asbestos inadvertently.
Avoid Power Tools:
Using power tools on asbestos sheets or even using a high-pressure hose on the same can cause the asbestos to crumble and release asbestos fibers into the air. This can further spread and the chances of asbestos inhalation go up so you need to make sure that you avoid all power tools when removing the asbestos sheets.
Close All Ventilation Points:
It would be a good idea to close all ventilation points in the asbestos zone; this is usually done to keep all the asbestos dust localized. Once you have removed all the asbestos from the target area, you can use high-pressure vacuum to clean up asbestos detritus and dust.
Plastic Sheeting:
Lay heavy-duty plastic sheeting on the floor and even over the windows and doors; this is to prevent any asbestos dust from filtering out to other areas of your residence. Then remove the sheets and place them on some extra plastic sheets, and duct tape them to further secure the lot.
Once you have plastic wrapped all asbestos sheets and packaged all asbestos dust, clearly mark the bags as asbestos waste and take them to a disposal center. Check online for nearest asbestos disposal centers and transport these sheets to these centers for safe disposal.
With these tips, you should be able to remove all the asbestos from your residence safely. Given the health hazard, it may be a good idea to get in touch with professional who should be able to remove all the remaining asbestos from your home safely. Moreover, they will help dispose of the same safely as well, so check online for various contractors who can help you to safely remove and dispose of the asbestos sheets from your property.